Minoxidil results after 1 year of continuous use
Today I will show you the minoxidil results after 1 year, and we will find the answer to the questions like
- Does minoxidil really work?
- Does minoxidil have side effects?
- Will minoxidil work for you? and many more.
These results take time but once you get determined for your goal then there is no one who can stop you from achieving astonishing results. Believe me, It feels so good to see your long hair in the mirror. I regained my confidence, personality that was lost after the hair fall. You can see my day 1 here.
If you are also going through the hair fall stage you can easily relate to how painful, depressing, self broken a person can be in these times. I have gone through this phase and that's why I am able to express my feelings from bottom of my heart so that all you can relate to.
Hairloss is global 55% of men around the globe face this problem, and guess what no one knows exactly how they can fight hair loss. This is because of mixed opinions on the internet forums, websites, blogs that you see when you search for minoxidil results after 1 year. You believe in negative reviews and make an image in your mind that these medications will always result in side effects.
One thing I want to say here please don't believe these reviews, because results vary from person to person.
Does minoxidil really work?
In short yes, it works and if you are consistent then it can help you to achieve growth of over 70%. I am saying this with confidence because I had already achieved this milestone and I believe if a person like me can do this then anyone can achieve these types of results.
I cannot thank enough minoxidil for transforming my hair from zero to hero. One thing that played an important role in this journey is the consistency of using minoxidil every day, without consistency your hair will get worse.
If I talk about the effectiveness of minoxidil, in the survey of a large number of people who used minoxidil, scientists have found that minoxidil worked for about 80% of people, and here is you who is still worrying and getting into depression day by day.
Does minoxidil have side effects?
Will minoxidil work for you?
This depends on people, from my experience I can say that minoxidil work for the majority of the people. You just need to be determined and consistent toward your goal. If you really want to start the hair growth journey with me, then the first thing is you have to do is make a promise that no matter what happens you will be followed my instructions. As I know every bit of minoxidil how it worked behind the scene, I can guide you to achieve amazing hair growth. If you still have any doubts feel free to contact me from the navbar WhatsApp link, I will be more than happy to help you.
If you want to explore more about my hair journey hair are the top articles you can read
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