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Should you take another dose of finasteride for more hairgrowth?


should you take another does of finasteride

As you might have guessed already what I am going to discuss through the title  "Should you take another dose of finasteride for more hair growth".  

Why this needs a discussion?

Because this is one of the comman myths around the people who are taking finasteride for the treatment of hair fall and believe me it can cause many adverse side effects if proper steps not followed.
I took finasteride for 1.5 years and I exactly know how, where and when you will see the effects of such mistakes.

First of all, those who don't know what is finasteride

Finasteride is an oral drug which is one of the proven treatment out there for the hair fall treatment. It was discovered accidentally by the scientist during the treatment of the prostate in the human body. Later more research conducted on it and they found that as a side effect it reduces DHT production in the human body which slow down hair thinning problem and improve hair growth.

Up to now, everything was going well with finasteride, but hang on there is something you surely need to know. As I told above that it reduces DHT production in the body which is one of the main culprits of hair thinning in men, but reducing DHT  causes another side effect which is the loss of sexual drive. Yes, you heard it the right loss of sexual interest will be there. If I talk about my experience I myself experienced this.

Things are getting serious here, Now you knew that It causes sexual side effects then you might ask a question why this is available in the market?

Because in the survey these side effects are experienced by only 8 % - 10% of people and most of the people found it good for the treatment, moreover this drug was under the surveillance of the FDA for more than 7 years.

What will happen if you take an overdose of finasteride by mistake?

If you did this thing by mistake then I am damn sure that day symptoms will be like this:
  • You will feel less active
  • Feeling Sleepy
  • The feeling of the weak erection of libido
  • Watery semen
These are command symptoms that are generally faced by the people. Honestly, I never overdosed finasteride and everything worked fine for me.

Please try to take the dosage in time. If somehow you skip it don't retake, just take the next dost on the next day. It will work fine. Overdose of finasteride can reduce your DHT levels drastically which can create problems, That's why taking the dose on the next day is much much better than the overdose.

Before ending this discussion, I want to tell you about my hair progress. I have regrown my 70% hair back, Yes you heard it right 70%. By following proper routines and medications. Finasteride has changed my hair volume drastically and I believe if it is used in a proper way you will achieve tremendous results.

Here is my journey from Day 1


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